In this article, you can see how to make Digital clock using PIC microcontroller and 7 segment displays with temperature info on it.
Realized digital clock you can see below:
Electrical scheme of digital clock is below:
Data is transferred from the one shift register to another through Q7' pin (view in data sheet).
Information of temperature coming from temperature sensor DS18B20 (Dallas semiconductor) - one wire protocol. For measuring temperature it's using one pin (bidirectional) with pull-up resistor (4.7 kΩ - 10 kΩ).
How it works you can see here.
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Realized digital clock you can see below:
Electrical scheme of digital clock is below:
How you can see, 7 segment displays are controlled with shift registers 74HC595. For control this shift registers, you need only 3 pins (one for Data (DS), one for Shift clock (SH_CP) and one for Storage clock (ST_CP)). Also you need to wire EN and MR pins of shift registers to GND and Vcc, respectively, to allow shift registers to work properly.
Information of temperature coming from temperature sensor DS18B20 (Dallas semiconductor) - one wire protocol. For measuring temperature it's using one pin (bidirectional) with pull-up resistor (4.7 kΩ - 10 kΩ).
How it works you can see here.
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