петак, 2. октобар 2015.

Christas tree

       Very soon will be come New Year, and offten you looking for something with LED lights. In this blog you can see Christams tree realized using PIC16F616 (internal osc 4MHz) and 24 LED's with different colors. Also, there is a buzzer which I used to play "Jingle ball" song in mono sound.

         Scheme of this christams tree you can see below:

LED Christmas tree
Christmas tree

          On scheme you can see transistors, that's BC848 (NPN), but I used BC549 (also NPN - 100mA), because I can't find BC848 like trough hole component. I used transistors, because microcontroler on it output have 20 mA, and that is not enough for 6 LED's on one pin. But when transistor placeing in circuit, you'll be have enough current for good light at LED's.

               For SMD components I maded PCB, and use components like it is in scheme, but when I making in trough hole configuration, I used similar components, but result is same. Here is PCB:

              Here you can see some of pistures of this Christmas tree.

             Here is video of finished Christams tree, enjoy! :) 

уторак, 8. септембар 2015.

LED Cube 4x4x4

               Here is my LED Cube 4x4x4. I made it of 64 LED diodes, which is controlled by PIC 16F877 microcontroler. This LED Cube have a few operating modes, some of them are little cube which moving through Cube, firework and some text.

LED Cube

             How it work, you can see on this link: LED Cube 4x4x4 (PIC 16f877)

Scheme of this LED Cube is below:

Scheme of LED Cube

        How you can see, I control 4 GND's and 16 rows, 4 rows for every layer separately.

        NPN transistors BC547 or BC549 (not showed for reason of transparency) are used for amplification signal from microcontroller pins.

Transistor BC549 - Common collector

       Reason for that is because, output pin of microcontroller on output have 20 mA, which is enough for one LED diode to light good.

         How to connect transistors is on next schematic:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Transistor BC549 - Common collector (current amplier)

        LED Cube 4x4x4 v2.0 you can see on this link. LED Cube 4x4x4 v2.0 have some new, some modified modes.

LED Cube 4x4x4 v2.0